Timepiece meaning
Timepiece meaning

It is often translated as “highway”, but reveals greater meaning in Judges chapter 5, the song of Deborah.

  • A way cast up, embanked, highway hence a public way.
  • Here’s part of the Strong’s entry 1 on the biblical word: One of my favorite words in the Bible is “mesilah” (מסילה) or “mesilot” in plural. The Creator of time has given us his Book describing the beginning, the middle and the end for us to know what’s going on. Time can seem to stretch on endlessly both backwards and forwards, but the Bible tells us this is not so. “Men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do”. If we do, we will be better equipped, like the men from the Israelite tribe of Issachar: The question is, do we understand the times and seasons we’re in? History is unfolding God’s great redemptive plan with a beginning, a middle and an end. And He holds the whole thing in His hands like a timepiece.

    timepiece meaning

    He created chronology, so that events could happen one after the other. Our Father invented time and brought it into being, “so that things don’t happen all at once!” I’ve heard it said. We often see events – even fulfillment of prophecy – repeating throughout history on different levels, but we also have a Mighty God with a masterplan.

  • ‘Descended from a long line of watchmakers, he makes a living designing timepieces.In some Eastern cultures, time is thought to be cyclical.
  • ‘A watch is more than just a timepiece the same way a car is more than just a method of transportation.’.
  • ‘The second hand rotates and the clock ticks in this high-energy version of a traditional timepiece.’.
  • ‘She had downloaded his file onto her watch before leaving, which doubled not only as a timepiece but also a data organizer.’.
  • ‘You can also select ‘watch faces’ to change the look of your timepiece.’.
  • timepiece meaning

    ‘His house was something of a clock clinic where neighbours would have their timepieces repaired.’.‘Simon is credited with inventing several types of clocks, and today his timepieces are highly prized by collectors.’.‘Take a ride in the (fully restored) antique elevator and synchronise your watch with the mother of all timepieces.’.

    timepiece meaning

  • ‘Given the Wilsons' obsession with turning back the clock, Steve's passion for collecting and re-creating vintage timepieces seems appropriate.’.
  • ‘The direction of each transect was randomly chosen using the second-hand on a timepiece.’.
  • timepiece meaning

  • ‘Over thousands of years, the accuracy of maps didn't improve significantly faster than the accuracy of primitive timepieces such as the sundial or water clock.’.
  • ‘Some chairman get a gold timepiece for clocking up 50 years with the same company.’.
  • ‘Speaking of which, if you do opt to wear your watch, keep your timepiece and bracelet on separate wrists.’.
  • ‘The father gave the son a watch a magnificent timepiece, a one-off, worth upwards of £30,000.’.
  • ‘Shoppers will no longer be stuck if they forget their watches after the traditional timepiece was erected in the High Street.’.
  • ‘What exactly is it that our timepieces measure?’.
  • wristwatches) for documentation of routine care interventions.’
  • ‘Most prefer personal timepieces (e.g.
  • ‘Seventy-one percent of practitioners preferred to use personal timepieces (e.g.
  • ‘The Swiss watchmaking legend draws from its active engagement in the world of sports to create the most accurate measuring instruments and sports-inspired timepieces ever made.’.

  • Timepiece meaning